TBTN In The Media

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Live with Charles Moscowitz

Why Zionism Education Matters

Featured On:

Unraveling History and Myths:

The Battle for Truth about Israel and Zionism
Featuring Laureen Lipsky

I am very excited to share my interview on the Long Shot Leaders podcast. I had an amazing conversation with my friend Michael Stein about my life, my career, and much more – enjoy!

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Conversations On Culture

Featured On:

Jewish Diaspora Report Podcast with Mike Jordan

Host Mike Jordan interviews CEO and Founder of “Taking Back the Narrative”, Laureen Lipsky about her journey from not knowing that she was Jewish to a Pro-Israel activist and Zionist Educator.

All Eyes on Israel

Featured On:

Eye On Israel: Taking Back the Narrative

Conversations On Culture

Laureen Lipsky joins Shahar Azani to discuss how she went from being an anti-Israel activist to fighting for Israel through the Zionist education initiative she founded, Taking Back the Narrative.

Featured On:

Filling in the Historical Gaps About Israel

Featuring Laureen Lipsky

The Future of Jewish is a podcast hosted by Joshua Hoffman. In each episode, Joshua is joined by top leaders, thinkers, and doers who are paving the path for a promising Jewish future.

Featured Online &
In-Person Presentations

Massachusetts Antisemitism Synagogue Task Force (MAST)

 – Steering Committee Featured Speaker

Mattathias Project

Topic: Jewish Organizations in America are Complicit in Upholding Antisemitism…
and How to Counteract the Damage.”

NIHE (Network for Innovative Holocaust Education)

Topic: Elevating Holocaust Education Through the Lens of Zionism Facts & History


TBTN in Publication

Speaker Bio

Laureen Lipsky

For 20 years, I was fairly anti-Israel and not just due to the media, but mostly because of the Jewish organizations I was part of – organizations that used terms such as Palestinians (not meaning Jews in Israel from 136 AD – 1948), settlements, settlers, West Bank, East Jerusalem, terms such as ‘both sides,’ and who shared that the UN ‘created’ Israel in 1948 or that Herzl ‘founded’ Israel. It was that misinformation as my sole knowledge source that I then used to spread lies about Israel to my then mostly non-Jewish friends.

I became a proud Zionist in 2014, and since then, have been educating on Israel and the Middle East with a focus on pure historical facts; it is those facts that helped me convert thousands of people (Jews and non-Jews) to be pro-Israel.

Two years ago, I launched Taking Back the Narrative, a Zionism education company, whose mission is to prove the Jewish continuous presence in the Jewish homeland, since Jews emerged from the Semitic tribes in Judea & Samaria, 4,000 years ago. Filling in the 2,000 year ‘gap’ most skip over, from the last (partial) Exile in 70 AD to the liberation of Israel by brave Jews in 1948, is essential to combating antisemitism. As is utilizing accurate, non-antisemitic terminology.

Taking Back the Narrative has a wide-array of Zionism education tools:

Laureen Lipsky

For 20 years, I was fairly anti-Israel and not just due to the media, but mostly because of the Jewish organizations I was part of – organizations that used terms such as Palestinians (not meaning Jews in Israel from 136 AD – 1948), settlements, settlers, West Bank, East Jerusalem, terms such as ‘both sides,’ and who shared that the UN ‘created’ Israel in 1948 or that Herzl ‘founded’ Israel. It was that misinformation as my sole knowledge source that I then used to spread lies about Israel to my then mostly non-Jewish friends.

I became a proud Zionist in 2014, and since then, have been educating on Israel and the Middle East with a focus on pure historical facts; it is those facts that helped me convert thousands of people (Jews and non-Jews) to be pro-Israel.

Two years ago, I launched Taking Back the Narrative, a Zionism education company, whose mission is to prove the Jewish continuous presence in the Jewish homeland, since Jews emerged from the Semitic tribes in Judea & Samaria, 4,000 years ago. Filling in the 2,000 year ‘gap’ most skip over, from the last (partial) Exile in 70 AD to the liberation of Israel by brave Jews in 1948, is essential to combating antisemitism. As is utilizing accurate, non-antisemitic terminology.

Taking Back the Narrative has a wide-array of Zionism education tools:

Contact Laureen for Speaking Engagements

*Speaking fee disclosed upon request