British Double-Standard Regarding Armed Jews

Both the Arabs and Jews in Palestine at one point fought together to expel the British occupying forces; yet, it was the Jewish population that was threatened with harsh sentences for being armed. Though the British made a feeble attempt at quelling Arab violence against Jews throughout the Arab Revolts (1936 – 1939), they made no concerted efforts to punitively punish those Arabs who systemically murdered 67 Jews in Hebron. Instead, it was the Jews who were expelled from their homes that were situated in a city with deep religious and historical resonance for the Jewish people.

Below are just some instances that exemplify the disparity of how the two communities were treated under British law in Palestine. Note the severe punishments meted out for Jews possessing weapons:

Search before deportation
Search by British before deportation

Photo source: Click here

Arabs burning Jewish items Jerusalem Dec 1947
Arabs burning property that was looted from Jews in Jerusalem, December 1947

Photo source: Click here

British soldier harassing a Jew under the British Occupation
British soldier harassing a Jew under the British Occupation

Photo source: Shutterstock