Non-Binding Resolutions
Resolution 181
In 1947, the UN still held out for even more Arab land within the already partitioned (1922) Jewish homeland. Resolution 181 (the 1947 Partition Plan) was the culmination of antisemitism by offering the Jewish ancestral heartland of Judea & Samaria to the Arabs. This is what many even today refer to, falsely, as the ‘Two-State Solution’ not realizing, and/or ignoring history, that there already exists an Arab state, the country of Jordan, within the Jewish homeland, Palestine.
*ALL Plans offered by the UN were rejected by the Arabs:
- 1922 – Great Britain gave away 78% of the Jewish Homeland to the Arabs, and created Jordan. This was still not satisfactory to the majority of the Arabs, who wanted all of Palestine to be Jew-free.
- Peel Commission (1937) – following the Arab riots, the British Commission of Inquiry recommended a tiny Jewish state, a far larger Arab state, and a third area to be controlled by the British. It further recommended placing Jerusalem & Bethlehem under yet another Mandate. Jews also rejected this plan, and thus, were punished by the British with onerous restrictions on Jewish immigration that would have deadly consequences during WWII.
- Woodhead Commission (1938) – furthered the prospects of the Peel Commission
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Photo source: Click here
Two separate 1946 proposals recommended one partitioned state for two people:
*Resolution 181 was merely a recommendation and as such, bears no legal standing under international law.*
- Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in April 1946 based on a single state with equal political power for Jews and Arabs
- Morrison-Grady Plan raised in July 1946, recommended a federal state with two provinces – one Jewish and one Arab.
*Resolution 181 was merely a recommendation and as such, bears no legal standing under international law.*